It’s common to think that ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ depends on individual opinion or cultural consensus. But if morality is only determined by which part of the world you lived in, we have no basis to condemn things like genocide, racism, and poor environmental policies.
This conflicts with our deepest intuitions: we just know some things are wrong (e.g. rape or genocide) even if they’re culturally accepted elsewhere. However, this intuition is only legitimate if God is real and if he defines true right and wrong.
"[People] demonstrate that God’s law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right."
Romans 2:15
Want to look more into morality? Click this link for Questioning Christianity, Tim Keller’s podcast for sceptics. His session on morality is followed by a live audience Q&A and the questioners don’t hold back!