Eternal Life

Lastly, let’s read 1 John 5:11-13 to help us fully understand the implications of God’s grace.

  • Where is eternal life found?
  • What’s true if we have the Son of God in our lives?
  • Do you have the Son of God in your life?
  • Do you have eternal life?
  • If you were to die tonight, how sure are you that you would spend eternity with God? 

0%     25%    50%   75%   100% 

  • What’s your level of confidence based on?


“But what if I don’t feel 100% sure? What if tomorrow I don’t feel like a Christian?”

Even though feelings are important, your relationship with Christ is based on facts, not on feelings that can change daily.  

Doubts don’t have to be a deal-breaker for Christians. They’re normal. Doubts can actually motivate you to seek and find credible answers and evidence that will strengthen your faith. Jesus welcomes doubters to bring him their toughest questions.

If you experience doubts, seek out answers with others and continue to place your faith in the trustworthiness of God himself. The more you learn, the more you will be able to answer any doubts with solid facts. Your feelings will begin to respond to the truth of God’s Word and not to your circumstances.