Grow Game Plan

Now that you’ve had a go at using ‘Head, Heart, Hands’ together, you can use it in your own time with Jesus. 

If you’re doing this as a group, split into pairs. Over the next few weeks you’ll be encouraging each other to put this into practice in your own time. The goal is for you to develop a life habit. What would it look like for you to spend 30 minutes a day with Jesus using  ‘Head, Heart, Hands’  as you read the Bible?

Chat through these questions with your partner.

  • What part of the Bible would you like to start reading? What’s a good goal for you to read through each day? (If you’re new to this, Philippians and Colossians are nice short books to start with.)
  • When in the day can you see yourself doing this?
  • What place will best help you focus? 
  • How would you like to encourage one another to follow through on this? (e.g. daily reminder messages?)

If you’re game, see if you can memorise the standout verse you read this week!

“I like to start my time with Jesus in the mornings and if I miss it, lunch times work well too because I can get at least 15 minutes in there. Making some sort of drink (usually coffee) prepares me for what I’m about to do and signals to my heart and mind that this time is different from everything else going on in my day. Finding a quiet spot, I spend time talking to God and thanking him for this time. I open the Bible, usually re-reading a passage that my church is working through or depending on how I’m feeling lately, one of the gospels. I like to take a chapter at a time regardless of the length, as it gives me plenty to ponder over. I read the passage, reflect on it, and then pray in response. Sometimes I like to write out my prayer so that I can look back on it to see how God has answered it.”