Last time, we saw Jesus respond in a surprising way to the rich young ruler who approached him. Now we’re in the next chapter of Luke. Here, Jesus encounters another rich man whose heart is in a very different place, with far-reaching implications.
Read Luke 19:1-10 together twice.
As we go through ‘Head, Heart, Hands’, come up with your own question to discuss for each section.
What do these verses show me about Jesus? About Zaccheus?
Heart (Feel)
As Zaccheus spent time with Jesus, what do you think changed in his heart to prompt such repentance and generosity?
Hands (Apply)
Zaccheus was moved by Jesus to action. How does Jesus move you to action?
Want to look more into morality? Click this link for Questioning Christianity, Tim Keller’s podcast for sceptics. His session on morality is followed by a live audience Q&A and the questioners don’t hold back!